It is of the LORD's mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. The LORD is my portion, saith my soul; therefore will I hope in him. Lamentations 3:22-24
John, Holly and I went Christmas caroling with our church tonight. We all had a great time, especially because the weather was so nice! It's probably the first time I've gone Christmas caroling in 60 degree weather. We always go to the shut ins and senior citizens of our church. Most of them sing right along with us. Our last stop was at a sweet lady's house. She is neither a senior citizen nor a shut in but someone who is going through some physical trials. Normally, she would have gone with us. She was so blessed that we came to her house that she cried. I am blessed to be part of such a wonderful church.
Gabriel and Hannah will be home in less than 48 hours! I am ecstatic!! We've been able to see them a few times over the last 11 months but they haven't been HOME since January. And they haven't seen our "new" house at all. I'm not sure if I can contain my excitement over the next few hours. Pray for them as they travel home on Saturday. It is a 14 hour drive.
I reached one of my smaller goals with my Crafty Homeschoolersshop - 25 items listed! Next goal is 50. Wonder how long that will take?
Tonight I was sitting in the living room when I heard sirens. It was a fire truck. Well, we lived in an apartment for four years about 1/2 mile away from the fire station so hearing sirens were normal everyday occurrences. I hardly noticed it until John jumped up and ran outside to see what was going on. Then I remembered that we were no longer in our apartment but in a nice quiet neighborhood. So I opened the front door and looked around. Was a neighbor's house on fire? Could I see any smoke? No, but there was the fire truck right in front of our house. It was going slowly with lights and sirens. And then, I saw a person on top that was not wearing a fireman's outfit. It was Santa Clause. What??? Did the Christmas parade get lost? Were the firemen bored? Is this some sort of tradition in this county? I just don't know. I guess I'll have to ask the neighbors. Thankfully none of them needed the firemen!
I mentioned on my last entry that I started an Etsy shop. Holly came up with the name. We both thought of several other ideas but they were all taken. So Crafty Homeschoolers it is! I hope you'll take a look. Perhaps you need some Christmas tags or other scrapbooking items. I've had fun making them. Stop by and take a look! Here are a couple of things I've made. Hoping to add some more this week.
Hello, dear deprived blog! So sorry that I've neglected you. Life stays busy. Like this weekend for example. We had cantata practice on Saturday. John, Holly and I sang in the choir. None of us had speaking parts this year for a change. Then on Wednesday, the lady playing Anna the prophetess became seriously ill and was hospitalized. So on Friday I volunteered to do her part. Thankfully, I just had to read it and not memorize it! It went great! Afterwards we had a huge dinner - I brought sweet potato casserole. Yum! Now it's time to relax. I'd like to promise to write more often but with Gabriel and Hannah coming home THIS SATURDAY and my new etsy shop -Crafty Homeschoolers- I'm sure I'll be busier than ever! But I'll try. Because I miss you!!