Monday, January 31, 2011
The Simple Woman's Day Book
Outside my window...It's cold, cloudy and getting ready to rain. The weather forecast is calling for ice tonight and early tomorrow morning. That will make it a hazardous night for John who is working midnights this week.
I am thinking... that I've not been very successful with this blog. At least I'm doing the day book on a weekly basis. That is a start.
I am thankful for... modern technology. I love being able to text my children who are so far away.
From the learning rooms...Holly began notebooking science on Monday. The first chapter is on Oceans. Today we learned about Lt. Matthew Maury, The Pathfinder of the Seas." We found out by doing some research online that there is a monument of him here in town! So we drove by there this afternoon. (See picture below.)
From the kitchen... We had Beef Stroganoff for dinner. A "new to us" easy favorite.
I am wearing... Jeans, green top and my warm, comfy and obviously favorite State Police sweatshirt.
I am creating... an organized coupon file! Or at least that's what I plan on doing this evening.
I am going... to get my haircut on Saturday! It's long over due.
I am reading... Going Rogue: An American Life by Sarah Palin. One doesn't get very far when they only read once a week.
I am praying... for ways to pay off bills. College is expensive.
I am hoping... for spring!
I am hearing... Glenn Beck on the television.
Around the house... The house is fairly clean. Seems easier to keep it that way with only three of us living here. Our bedroom needs some serious work. One of these days. . .
One of my favorite things... Reading aloud. We've sadly gotten out of the habit with teens working and miscellaneous activities. Holly and I are taking turns reading Where the Red Fern Grows. It's part of her language arts curriculum so we can't read as much as I'd like each day. But we're still enjoying it very much.
A few plans for the rest of the week: I am now playing the clarinet in our church orchestra. I haven't played for DECADES! So that means lots of practicing for me. The week is almost gone! I started this post on Monday but life got busy!
Here is a picture I am sharing: This is Holly at the monument downtown. Matthew Maury - The Pathfinder of the Seas.
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Simple Woman's Day Book

Outside my window... It's cloudy and 30 degrees. This morning it was in the teens. Virginia is very fickle, though. Tomorrow it should be in the mid 50s.
I am thinking... I cannot wait to see all the many ways that God will bless us this year.
I am thankful for... the $200 book for Gabriel's Astronomy class that he was able to buy for $20! God is good!!!
From the learning rooms...Holly and I finally got back on schedule today! I am most excited about the unit study we are doing on Where the Red Fern Grows. It's been a while since I've read that book!
From the kitchen... Tonight I'm making some chicken with a homemade sauce and rice. We'll probably have something green too. I'm not sure about the rest of the week. Taking life one day at a time!
I am wearing... Red sweats, a tee- shirt and my warm and comfy State Police sweatshirt.
I am creating... greeting cards to send to friends and family. I have a lot of scrapbooking supplies so I thought Holly and I would have fun making cards instead of buying them. Trying to save every dime we can these days!
I am going... nowhere today. I love days when I can stay at home.
I am reading... Going Rogue: An American Life by Sarah Palin. I don't get around to it often enough. Just pulled it out and took it to band last Wednesday.
I am praying... for God to bless John with more overtime hours.
I am hoping... for spring!
I am hearing... Silence! Holly is cleaning her room and John is working late.
Around the house... things are getting back to normal - our new normal - now that Gabriel and Hannah have returned to college. John has turned Gabriel's room into his office. That's a huge improvement over last semester when we used his room for clutter and storage!
One of my favorite things... Bath and Body Works hand soap. I don't splurge on it very often but I did buy some with Christmas money. Brightens up winter time, don't you think?
A few plans for the rest of the week: Holly has band on Wednesday and a teen activity on Friday. Other than that, I'm planning on staying home and staying warm!
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
You too can join the Simple Woman's Day Book here
Saturday, January 22, 2011
The Twists and Turns of My Heart
Gabriel and Hannah left just before dawn yesterday morning for their second semester of college. They took a carload of all the things they needed and some things they wanted to make their dorm rooms more comfy. They also took a huge piece of my heart. What's left of my poor heart has been twisted and turned so many times in the last several months. I am so excited for their successes. I love that they love college life. But I miss them; their hugs and their laughter. Yet I know that to keep them here would not be the best thing for them. Who wants a 30-40 year old son living at home living at home and playing video games? They must grow up. They must fly away. But they are so far away. They cannot come home on the weekends. I miss snuggling with Hannah on the couch and watching a chick flick. I miss Gabriel's sense of humor. He always makes me laugh. I realize how blessed I am to have such amazing kids. I am grateful for the one on one time with Holly. She enjoys the individual attention. Yet she will spend her teen years without having siblings around. Oh, do you see the maze that my heart is going through? So many emotions! I have always known that motherhood involved the cutting of the apron strings. I just didn't know it was such a long and painful process.
Pensacola Christian College
Monday, January 17, 2011
The Simple Woman's Day Book

Outside my window... It's cloudy and 37 degrees. We're supposed to get rain later this afternoon and maybe some snow mixed in.
I am thinking... about how blessed I am with a husband who loves me, amazing kids, a healthy family and God Who watches over us all the time.
I am thankful for... my husband's job that he loves.
From the learning rooms...We decided to wait until Gabriel and Hannah return to college before getting back into our homeschool routine.
From the kitchen... Something simple for tonight since Gabriel and Hannah are both working. Tomorrow we are going to the youth pastor's home for dinner. Wednesday or Thursday I'm planning on making chicken and dumplings. Holly is wanting to make some cookies - peanut butter or snicker doodles.
I am wearing... Blue jeans, a favorite black shirt with embroidered flowers and my State Police sweat shirt.
I am creating... a shopping list - things Gabriel and Hannah need for their second semester at Pensacola Christian College.
I am going... nowhere today. I love days when I can stay at home.
I am reading... nothing besides the bible. My goal for the year is to read at least five non-fiction books. Haven't gotten started yet. This category is not seeing much change!
I am praying... for God's provision.
I am hoping... to make a to-do list and check many things off!
I am hearing... The click of Hannah's laptop as she takes pictures of herself, Holly and their friend Bethany who spent the night. And lots of laughter.
Around the house... Laundry is piled up. I need to get it finished so the kids can begin packing.
One of my favorite things... laughter. We have a happy home.
A few plans for the rest of the week: Spending time with Gabriel and Hannah before they leave early Friday morning. Checking the weather along their route. Hopefully winter will be relatively mild for just a few more days.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
Monday, January 10, 2011
The Simple Woman's Day Book

Outside my window... It's dark. It's nighttime and clouds are gathering for a storm.
I am thinking... about how to pay for Gabriel and Hannah's tuition this semester.
I am thankful for... a stocked pantry. We are ready for snow.
From the learning rooms...We got clarinet practice done today. Getting back on track hasn't happened yet.
From the kitchen... Just made a red velvet cake. Gabriel says it's his favorite. (That's news to me! I've never even made one before.) It's a boxed mix. I hope he likes it. One of these days I'll try it from scratch.
I am wearing... Blue jeans, black shirt and a sweat shirt, socks, sweatshirt and I'm covered up with a blanket.
I am creating... absolutely nothing.
I am going... to stay home tomorrow!
I am reading... nothing besides the bible. My goal for the year is to read at least five non-fiction books. Haven't gotten started yet. Same as last week. Not making much process here.
I am hoping... to get into a better routine.
I am hearing... John talking on the phone. Quiet otherwise.
Around the house... Hannah is at work. Gabriel has gone to his old drama class to see his teacher and friends. Holly is making a gift for a friend.
One of my favorite things... my kids being home for Christmas break. Good days!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Probably going to be snowed in tomorrow. Wednesday is Holly's band class and Thursday is her Christmas concert that was postponed last December due to snow.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

The Simple Woman's Day Book
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
A Chute Full of Holes
When we left Gabriel and Hannah at Pensacola Christian College I said that I felt like my kids just jumped out of an airplane with a parachute that I had packed for them. They had spent most of their lives as homeschoolers. Not only that, they were missionary kids. Their academic life seemed to have been in constant turmoil. Most years really didn't go as I planned. So when we left them on campus, on their own, I was fearful. Did I teach them enough? Are their study skills good enough to handle different teachers, different tests? Did we work on taking notes enough? Each time, my answer was no. I needed more time with them. Another year. Maybe two or three. Then we'd be ready. But it was time to send them. So I worried about the parachute and their landing. Would the chute open? Was it full of holes? Would they crash and burn?
As a homeschooling mom, I found it very difficult not knowing what they were doing each and every academic moment. What topic were they learning in history? What kind of speech were they practicing that week? What kind of homework assignments did they have? What were they studying that evening? I tried not to interrogate them constantly, after all, they did need time to study. And hopefully, I improved somewhat during the semester.
On December 17th, they completed their first semester and it was amazingly successful. They received their report cards yesterday and they both made the Dean's List! They both love being there and made a lot of friends. I give all thanks and glory to God who helped them to land safely on the ground in spite of a poorly packed and torn parachute.

As a homeschooling mom, I found it very difficult not knowing what they were doing each and every academic moment. What topic were they learning in history? What kind of speech were they practicing that week? What kind of homework assignments did they have? What were they studying that evening? I tried not to interrogate them constantly, after all, they did need time to study. And hopefully, I improved somewhat during the semester.
On December 17th, they completed their first semester and it was amazingly successful. They received their report cards yesterday and they both made the Dean's List! They both love being there and made a lot of friends. I give all thanks and glory to God who helped them to land safely on the ground in spite of a poorly packed and torn parachute.

Pensacola Christian College
Monday, January 3, 2011
The Simple Woman's Day Book
FOR TODAY - Monday, January 3, 2011

Outside my window... I see a beautiful blue sky! It is cold now - about 26 degrees. Should be around 46 today which is nice for January.
I am thinking... about all the cleaning that needs to get done. How quickly this small apartment seems to fall apart!
I am thankful for... the warmth in our apartment and the heater isn't even on. A positive aspect of living on the second floor.
From the learning rooms...Today we begin our second semester of homeschooling only one. I'm hoping to add art and science. But right now my little darling is sound asleep. It's hard to get back on track after Christmas break.
From the kitchen... The plan for this evening is making cheeseburger soup. It's a family favorite!
I am wearing... Blue jeans and a blue striped shirt. Bare feet - it's that warm in here!
I am creating... A to do list for the year. I've gotten a good start on it. You can see it here.
I am going... to the grocery store later. Must make a list first!
I am reading... nothing besides the bible. My goal for the year is to read at least five non-fiction books. Haven't gotten started yet.
I am hoping... to take the rest of the ornaments off the tree. It's been a slow process this year.
I am hearing... the sound of my washing machine.
Around the house... John and Gabriel are at work. Hannah and Holly are sound asleep. My living room is a complete wreck with Christmas boxes everywhere. I'm going to finish that right after this blog entry!
One of my favorite things... is my new Jeopardy game that I got for the Wii. I do not play many video games but this one I enjoy!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Initiating our exercise routine - walking and Wii fit, general cleaning up of clutter and perhaps beginning a new book.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
This is Holly's self-portrait that she took with her new camera - a present from her grandparents.
You too can join the Simple Woman's Day Book here

Outside my window... I see a beautiful blue sky! It is cold now - about 26 degrees. Should be around 46 today which is nice for January.
I am thinking... about all the cleaning that needs to get done. How quickly this small apartment seems to fall apart!
I am thankful for... the warmth in our apartment and the heater isn't even on. A positive aspect of living on the second floor.
From the learning rooms...Today we begin our second semester of homeschooling only one. I'm hoping to add art and science. But right now my little darling is sound asleep. It's hard to get back on track after Christmas break.
From the kitchen... The plan for this evening is making cheeseburger soup. It's a family favorite!
I am wearing... Blue jeans and a blue striped shirt. Bare feet - it's that warm in here!
I am creating... A to do list for the year. I've gotten a good start on it. You can see it here.
I am going... to the grocery store later. Must make a list first!
I am reading... nothing besides the bible. My goal for the year is to read at least five non-fiction books. Haven't gotten started yet.
I am hoping... to take the rest of the ornaments off the tree. It's been a slow process this year.
I am hearing... the sound of my washing machine.
Around the house... John and Gabriel are at work. Hannah and Holly are sound asleep. My living room is a complete wreck with Christmas boxes everywhere. I'm going to finish that right after this blog entry!
One of my favorite things... is my new Jeopardy game that I got for the Wii. I do not play many video games but this one I enjoy!
A few plans for the rest of the week: Initiating our exercise routine - walking and Wii fit, general cleaning up of clutter and perhaps beginning a new book.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
You too can join the Simple Woman's Day Book here
Apartment Life,
Simple Woman's Day Book
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Gabriel and Hannah have been home for two weeks now. There's a sense of normalcy around the house. That includes more noise, laughter, laundry, and frequently running out of milk. It's good to have them home and we have nearly three more weeks together! I'm thankful for their long break. They were so homesick and I was just beside myself with missing them. I knew their absence would be difficult but I had no idea of the magnitude. I am sure that it will be just as tough for me to let them go again but they are already looking forward to their return and the new normal they have learned from campus life.
The first semester went well for them. Hannah has excellent roommates and has adapted to dorm life quite well. She'd rather have a bottom bunk but overall is pleased with everything. Gabriel had one roommate that he got along with really well and the other was a complete slob. That was tough for a young man who was used to having a room to himself. After midterms, his next door neighbor's roommate left school and requested Gabriel for a roommate. So he was excited to move into a much neater room.
Gabriel loves classes and loves studying! I wish I had seen some of that enthusiasm in all our years of homeschooling. He is a Pre-Law major. Hannah is studying Graphic Design. They both had a very successful semester and are eager to return. John, Holly and I will miss them fiercely but I'm happy that they want to go back. They like it there.
The first semester went well for them. Hannah has excellent roommates and has adapted to dorm life quite well. She'd rather have a bottom bunk but overall is pleased with everything. Gabriel had one roommate that he got along with really well and the other was a complete slob. That was tough for a young man who was used to having a room to himself. After midterms, his next door neighbor's roommate left school and requested Gabriel for a roommate. So he was excited to move into a much neater room.
Gabriel loves classes and loves studying! I wish I had seen some of that enthusiasm in all our years of homeschooling. He is a Pre-Law major. Hannah is studying Graphic Design. They both had a very successful semester and are eager to return. John, Holly and I will miss them fiercely but I'm happy that they want to go back. They like it there.
Pensacola Christian College
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