Thursday, December 31, 2009
Blogging Again
Today is a rainy, drizzly day. It seems an appropriate end to this year where John and I have spent more days apart than together. In some ways, it has flown by like Time seems to do. But in other ways, it has been long and dreary and I am ready to see 2009 come to an end. After today, John has only five academy days left plus graduation day. The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter!
Have a Happy and Blessed New Year!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
The Dreaded Enemy
Laundry. The dreaded enemy. The never ending pile of dirty clothes. Laundry and I may never be best friends but I do consider myself to be blessed. After all, I have an automatic washer and dryer in the same little laundry room. My washing machine is hooked up to both the cold and hot water faucets. I can wash and dry a lot of laundry in just one day if I need or want to. This wasn't always the case.
Twelve years ago, we lived in Brasov, Romania. I considered myself fortunate to have an American washing machine. Never mind the fact that there was only cold water to wash in. It did the job well enough. In the winter, the water was really, really cold. And we only had powdered detergent. After a couple of loads that ended up covered with the undissolved powder, I learned to microwave a bowl full of water, stir in some detergent and put that in the washer. I had to hang the clothes to dry inside the house for most of the year. We had a little clothesline above the bathtub and a dryer rack usually sat near our huge terra cotta heater. No, it wasn't the most convenient arrangement. But it was better than it was when we first moved into that house. It was a small house and certainly not made for a large American washing machine. It took John a few weeks to figure out how and where to install it. Meanwhile, we did laundry in the bathtub and wrung it out by hand. I say "we" because John helped immensely. I was 2 months pregnant and very ill.
The first few months in that house were difficult in many ways. But it was a relief from what we had just been through during our first two months in Romania. Much of it is a nightmare that I try to forget but since laundry is the topic of the day, I will address that aspect. We lived in one room of a Romanian family's house for our first few weeks. They had a small washer but it was usually broken. When it worked, it was constantly in use by them. So I washed clothes in the tub. But there was nowhere to dry them. The family had a clothesline but it was always filled with clothes, wet clothes. It rained almost every day that we were there. So I washed socks, underwear and anything else that just couldn't be worn one more time and hung them on the radiator, backs of chairs and bedposts, hoping they would dry in the damp weather.
Laundry is still an almost daily affair here in our house in the States. We generally do a load or two 6 days a week (and several on the weekends when John returns from the State Police academy). This time the "we" includes the kids. It's not my favorite chore. I don't mind washing and drying so much and I actually enjoy hanging clothes on the line outside. It's the folding that I don't really enjoy. So, sometimes I forget how blessed I really am. Sometimes I complain, sigh, procrastinate. But then I remember the days when a simple thing like clean, dry socks was an enormous challenge and I thank God for all that He has blessed me with.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Homeschool Books For Sale!
BJU 4th Grade Reading I Met You in a Story TE - $35
BJU 5th Grade Reading Pages in My Head Hardcover Student Text - $20
BJU 5th Grade Reading Pages in My Head TE - $35
BJU 4th Grade Science Hardcover Student Text (second edition) - $15
My Fun with Reading Set - $15
Book 1 - Stories About Animals
Book 2 - Stories About Plants
Book 3 - Stories About World Cultures
Book 4 -Stories About Careers
Book 5 - Stories About Space and Earth Science
Parents and Teachers Guide
Friday, August 21, 2009
Welcome to the Woodward Hospital
Gabriel hasn't had any difficulty. A little pain. The pain medicine makes him a bit dizzy but he's up and about - He's watched movies, we've played Risk, and he's always asking what can he eat. (Soft foods just can't fill up a teen age boy). We are approaching the 48 hour mark and he doesn't seem to have a lot of swelling or bruising. He is very impatient with the healing process. While he loves movies and video games, he's no couch potato and he's ready to get back to his normal life.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
My Life in a List - Brief Highlights of the Last 25 Years
1985 - Hired to teach 3rd and 4th grade at a small Christian school in Richmond, VA
- Gradation ceremony at Liberty in May
1986 - Still at Christian school
- Summer job as a DJ at a Christian radio station - Most favorite job ever - should have majored in broadcasting
- Met John in August - we were engaged the following month
1987 - Married in April
1988 - John was hired by Virginia State Police
1989 - We moved to Oilville, VA - lived in a small rented farmhouse
1990 - Bought our first home in Goochland, VA
1991 - Our first child and only son, Gabriel was born
1992 - John is called into the ministry
- We moved to a house in Richmond
- Hannah was born
- John resigned from Virginia State Police
1993 - Moved to Alabama
- John began working on a degree in Biblical Studies
1994 - Bought a house in Decatur, AL
1996 - John graduated from Louisiana Baptist University
- John and I took a survey trip to Romania
1997 - Moved to Brasov, Romania as missionaries
1998 - Holly was born (in Alabama)
1999 - Returned to Alabama
2000- Began considering a ministry in Constanta, Romania
2002- Moved to Constanta, Romania as missionaries
2007 - Returned to States in March and sought God's direction for the next step
-Moved to Virginia in June for John to be rehired by Virginia State Police
- I began substitute teaching
2008 - John was finally hired by the State Police in December
2009 - Waiting to hear where John will be stationed
Saturday, August 15, 2009
50 Years Ago
Friday, August 14, 2009
The Intention to Deceive
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The People Upstairs
The People Upstairs
by Ogden Nash
The people upstairs all practice ballet Their living room is a bowling alley Their bedroom is full of conducted tours. Their radio is louder than yours, They celebrate week-ends all the week. When they take a shower, your ceilings leak. They try to get their parties to mix By supplying their guests with Pogo sticks, And when their fun at last abates, They go to the bathroom on roller skates. I might love the people upstairs wondrous If instead of above us, they just lived under us. |
Monday, August 10, 2009
The Busy and Blazing Summer
Gabriel is having his wisdom teeth out this month, eventually. For one reason or another his appointment has been postponed. I am not looking forward to that event. I am not sure that I can endure the pain, the emotional pain. I know. Many have gone through this sort of procedure before. It's just one of those things that you wish you didn't have to do. One of those things that you wish were already done and in the past.
The most exciting event (well, except for the cola incident) happened this morning when I checked my email. I WON THE QUILT!! The girls and I are ecstatic. I can't wait to get it and will post pictures of it on Holly's bed.

How's the weather in your neighborhood?
Friday, August 7, 2009
Gorgeous Quilt Giveaway

Monday, July 20, 2009
This task has two parts {numbered ever-so-nicely for you}. You can do either one or both ~ it's up to you!
1. Tell us about the best {or worst} vacation that you've ever taken.
2. Tell us FIVE places/vacations that you would like to take at some point your life. It doesn't have to be next year...maybe it's the vacation of a lifetime or somewhere you just dream of going years from now.
1. Well, I don't know if I've ever had a really bad vacation. My mom might say it was when we went camping in Arizona and it was freezing. But I had fun snuggled up to the cookstove, drinking hot chocolate. Good memories. Perhaps I could mention an incident at Natural Bridge, Virginia when I was 16. It was just a small portion of our family vacation. One more stop when I was ready to just go home. I found the place boring. So I took off my sandals and walked along the two foot wall that bordered a creek. In one spot there was a bush. I looked down so that I wouldn't trip and there, just an inch away from my big toe, was a snake. I screamed. Everyone heard. I screamed so loudly that I scared the snake. It swam quickly away in the creek. I heard one man say, "That's a Cotton Mouth!" That is definitely the worst thing that ever happened to me on vacation.
2. Five places that I would like to go on vacation would include (and not necessarily in this order):
- Hawaii
- Mexico
- San Diego
- Venice
- Romania
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Healing Broken Hearts
I wrote this just over two years ago, days after we returned from Romania.
The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart; and saveth such as be of a contrite spirit. Psalm 34:18
Fast forward nearly three decades and I find my son in the same situation. We left
Over the years, I have seen first hand how God has worked in my life. He has led me through difficult times, challenges, failures and tragedies. Time after time He has healed my broken heart and I have become stronger because of the trials. Now my children are growing up. I know that in this life, they will face their own struggles. The sorrow of life cannot always be healed with a mother’s kiss and a band-aid. Children grow up and they must learn to rely on the One who directs their steps, the One who loves them so much more than their mother. It is breaking my heart to see his heart broken. I kneel down and ask God to hold him close, so close that he can feel God’s presence and know that God does indeed have a reason for that path He has asked us to walk. I am trusting Him to heal broken hearts.
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds. Psalm 147:3
The Lord has healed Gabriel's broken heart. From time to time, he still longs for Romania, his friends and the life we lived there. We all do. Gabriel is growing up and learning to trust God to direct his steps. I am excited to see where the Lord is leading him.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Acutely Sedate
That briefly sums up the first part of my week. Busy but quiet. Way too quiet. Days without Gabriel, who was born without volume control, are acutely sedate. There are those who think that Hannah is my quiet one. She is, comparatively. But like the rest of my offspring who all have a huge dose of Woodward DNA, she has no problems being articulate. Their absence is severely noticed. I am left at home with only one chatterbox to keep me company. And she's doing a great job!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
Summer Learning - Art and Insects
This morning, Holly worked on drawing the bug. This week's assignment at Sketch Tuesday just happens to be to sketch an insect. Here is Holly's sketch:

Next, we are going to try and identify it. Do you know what it is?
Update! A former student of mine (who is now a homeschool mom of 4) has identified this bug for us. It is an Ailanthus-Webworm-Moth She found it at Insect I never would have thought this bug was a moth. It looked more like a beetle. I guess I was looking in the wrong places. Thank you, Arin!
Sketch Tuesday is a weekly event hosted by Barb at Harmony Art Mom.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
My Story - Part 1
This is the beginning of my story of being called to be a missionary and my life in Romania. I posted this on my other blog and thought I would share it here. I will post more later.
Like any story, there is a beginning and this is where I will start. Not the very beginning. That would be Genesis 1:1 and I was not there. Not my beginning either because I do not remember it. Instead, I thought I would share my first thoughts of being interested in serving the Lord.
Most missionaries do not have a blinding light experience like the Apostle Paul calling them into God’s service. God’s voice does not thunder down from heaven telling them exactly the next step to take. My first thought of full time Christian service had a much more humble beginning. It was in the lunchroom of a rural elementary school in the state of Kentucky. I was sitting with my best friend Susan talking about who knows what. Susan and I became best friends from the beginning of that school year and we were inseparable. We shared a birthday and each of us had an older brother named David. Those were important commonalities for ten year olds. I do not recall our conversation that day but the words of the boy across the table were unforgettable. I had a secret crush on him. However, I was much too shy to ever let him know my feelings, even when he was chasing me around the playground. I do not remember the date or the many other details of that day but his words still ring clear in my memory. “God has called me to preach,” he proudly announced. Our response was deplorable. We laughed out loud, hysterically and recklessly. The boy was deeply hurt and the agony was visible on his face. I laughed because Susan laughed. I laughed because it was the only thing I could think to do at that moment. It was then that I knew I would be a preacher’s wife.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Blessings and Thankfulness
- God's mercy
- God's grace
- Salvation freely given
- Eternal life through Jesus Christ
- A relationship with Almighty God, Abba Father
- His love so richly bestowed upon me
- The privilege to go boldly before His throne of grace
- His Word
- Casting my cares upon Him because He cares for me
- His thoughts toward me that cannot be numbered
- A husband who loves me
- Health
- Air conditioning
- A kiss from my sweetheart
- An ice cold drink of water
- My mom
- My dad
- Two brothers
- Being raised in a Christian home
- Gabriel
- Hannah
- Holly
- Being able to homeschool my children
- A multitude of resources to accomplish the task
- My 93 year old grandmother who is still able to welcome us into her home and cook delicious meals for us
- New mercies each morning
- A sun-shiny day
- Seasons
- A cool day in the summer
- Wisdom
- Music
- The library with books written in English
- The laughter of my children
- Ears to hear that joyful sound
- Eyes to see my family's smiles
- My youngest child reading aloud to me
- Singing together
- Making plans
- A free country
- A comfortable bed
- A soft pillow
- Wall to wall carpet
- Swimming
- Dinner with my family
- Time to myself
- A chance to blog
- My computer
- The internet that helps me feel so much closer to my family and friends who are so very far away
- My computer desk
- A day to relax
- Our church
- Youth group for the kids
- A chance to praise
- A dishwasher to clean the dishes and spare our skin
- God's provision
- The many "I love you's" from my husband and kids
- My children's artwork
- Memories
- Encouraging comments
- Clean clothes
- A washer to wash them in
- A dryer too
- A husband who loves the Lord
- And is zealous about His Word
- A husband who spends time with his children
- And talks to them about big and small things
- Trees to shade us from the harsh summer sun
- Gentle rain
- Every breath that I take
- Every beat of my heart
- Every moment that God is watching over me and I don't even think about it
- Brushing my daughter's hair who is only little for a little while longer
- A God who knows my name
- My Lord Who knows the path that I take
- My Redeemer Who lives
- A car that has A/C
- Another day with my family
- Coupons
- A little girl who loves to cook
- And play with dolls
- And give me hugs
- Two girls who love to sing
- A teenage girl who loves photography
- And being with mom
- And gives me hugs
- A son who loves drama and politics
- And is much too quickly growing up
- And loves the Lord
- And still gives me hugs
- A nice big stove to prepare home cooked meals
- Sweet tea
- Two girls who know how to make it perfectly
- Ice
- Comfortable tennis shoes
- A good night's sleep
- Sandals
- Cookouts
- All the colors of the rainbow
- Blue
- Reading out loud to my children
- Their attentiveness
- Their energy
- Orange juice
- Milk
- Cereal, especially the many varieties available here in the USA
- My family watching a funny movie together
- A God who calls me by my name
- A Lord who calls me His
- The gospel preached to others
- A chance to serve
- The promises of God
- A new career for John
- Fellowship with friends
- More than enough food
- Books
- Rest
- Hope
- A peaceful heart
- A song in my heart
- God's Word to light my path, especially when I do not know the way
1 Thessalonians 5:18
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Be Strong in the Lord
There have been many times in my life where I have been strong. However, these past two years I feel as if I have been struggling; stumbling upon confusion, uncertainty, even doubt. Too often, I have tried to fight my battles with my own, inadequate strength. Forgetting, or choosing not to remember, that God is the One who will fight the battles for me.
Thank you, Pastor, for the reminder. Thank you, Lord, for your mercies that are new every morning. Thank you that I can pick up the sword once again and face the enemy with Your strength, not mine.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Summer Plans
June flew by with unpacking, a yard sale, Vacation Bible School and the annual, state-mandated standardized tests. Suddenly it is July and I don't know if I can hold on to this merry-go-round as it spins faster and faster. So far this month we have continued in our effort to declutter this small apartment in hopes of making our meager square footage more livable. Our walk-in closet is once again a walk in. John did most of the work and added some more shelves. Now I can actually find purses and shoes.
Gabriel and Hannah leave for camp in Tennessee next Monday morning. It will be quiet around here without them. Other than that, we will all stay close to home, enjoying the pool, a more relaxed schedule and squeezing in some more declutering when we can. Gabriel will have his wisdom teeth extracted in August. I am not sure who is dreading it more, me or him.